4L Water Cooling Machine Used for Protecting Jewelry Metal Smelting Furnace

4L Water Cooling Machine Used for Protecting Jewelry Metal Smelting Furnace

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Our Price:$619.00
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4L Water Cooling Machine Used for Protecting Jewelry Metal Smelting Furnace



Suitable for protecting jewelry metal smelting furnaces and conserving water resources.


The optional water cooling machine allows operation of the smelting furnace with a water pump attached behind the machine. Without water cooling, the machine automatically stops heating, resulting in significant water wastage. Operating the smelting furnace without sufficient water supply can be unsafe.

With the water cooling machine, water used during metal smelting is efficiently recycled, conserving water and safeguarding the smelting furnace.


Specification Details
Power Supply Supplied by smelting furnace
Water Capacity 4 liters
Inlet Temperature Less than 70 degrees
Max Inlet Temperature 80 degrees
Dimensions 345mm x 316mm x 495mm
Power 130 W
Water Recycle 0.7 L/min
Net Weight 18 KG


4L Water Cooling Machine Used for Protecting Jewelry Metal Smelting Furnace

4L Water Cooling Machine Used for Protecting Jewelry Metal Smelting Furnace

4L Water Cooling Machine Used for Protecting Jewelry Metal Smelting Furnace

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